Awareness & Training

DiagnoPhish IT Awareness Training Platform

Improve IT security in your company! Flexibly train users to anticipate risks, counter threats and resist phishing.

Whenever we perform penetration tests or security assessment, we notice that IT users often fall into the same kind of traps, putting themselves and their organisations at risk. DiagnoPhish has been developed to address this. It reflects our real-life perception of risks/threats in Switzerland and Europe and teaches IT users how to concretely deflect threats. 

DiagnoPhish is safe, efficient and highly cost effective. Trainings are performed, in English, French or German, from the users' own workstations or mobile devices. 

Awareness campaigns can be either managed and monitored by you without external intervention, or served by us as a managed service. 

Download our datasheet

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Security Awareness Classes

These courses teach your users to identify the risks associated with the use of communication systems in their daily activities and protect themselves effectively.

User awareness is an essential complement to traditional security solutions that protect the IT infrastructure against internal and external risks.

This awareness class is tailored to your company’s specific needs. It very concretely shows, with many examples and in a language that users can understand, the risks related to an inadequate use of communication systems in daily activities - and how they can be avoided. The course is designed to awaken the interest of any corporate IT system user, whatever their expertise.

Contact us to talk it over

SecDev Course

Designed for developers, to improve their understanding of operational IT security when they code applications.

Web and mobile applications are a potentially vulnerable entry point into the corporate network as they can be leveraged by hackers to gain access to the IT infrastructure. This course teaches developers to understand how attackers work and take security into account when they write their code. This affords the company a more effective protection. 

The training is available in two versions:

  • For software engineers, as a set 2-day course carefully designed to address the security-related issues they are facing every day as developers.
    Download the course datasheet
  • For organisations, as a modular course that can be adapted to each company's specific requirements.  
    Download the course datasheet

Training dates and course details here

Security Awareness for IT Administrators

This course is designed to guide IT administrators and systems engineers through the (many) security challenges that impact their daily activities.

Sometimes, operational constraints cause IT people to prioritise practicality over security.

This course is an efficient way to make your IT Team aware of the risks. It will teach them where to look to identify risks and protect your infrastructure accordingly. 

Infos and registration

Check Point Courses

"Firewall Operator" or "Advanced Policies & Defense": select your course according to your level of expertise and your requirements.

These condensed practical training courses teach you how to effectively optimise the features of your Check Point equipments. In our test lab, you will be able to put into practice everything you are taught while at the same time being able to rely on the experience and advice of our specialists.  (Trainings in French, English on request).

Training dates and course details here

Solutions Training

Technical courses designed for IT security officers

These courses prove highly beneficial whenever you want to know more about a specific security solution or product that is part of your IT security infrastructure. Our courses are particularly effective because we prepare a training that is totally relevant to your environment and your current knowledge. It is tailor-made for you and for your team, and based on your own real-life daily requirements. We provide courses on any of the solutions we recommend. 

Contact us for further info